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来源:    发布时间:2023-09-18 16:40:28


  姓名 黄普希 Puxi Huang

  性别 男 Male  民族 汉 Han

  职称 讲师 Lecturer

  硕士研究生导师(Postgraduate Supervisor)


  邮编 100144  联系电话 88803225

  通信地址 英国威廉希尔公司(NCUT-SAA)

教育背景 Educational Background


Cardiff University Welsh School of Architecture, Post-doctorate researcher, Research field:Modular energy saving retrofitting, Parametric design. 


University of Bath, Architecture and Civil Engineering department, PhD, Research field:Sustainable building materials.

University of Bath, Architecture and Civil Engineering department, Msc, Research field:Environmental design

个人简介 Brief introduction



黄普希曾任巴斯学院客座讲师、巴斯皇家文理学院青年研究员导师、国际竹滕组织全英会议第一- 、二届专家组成员。黄普希现担任Wood science and Technology、Construction and Building Materials 、Building and Environment 、Biodiversity Management and Forestry等期刊的评审。 

黄普希在英国,曾就职于世界第一个零碳社区的设计单位一一英国零碳工厂建筑师事务所(ZEDfactory Ltd)担任低碳建筑设计师。在国内,黄普希曾就职于中国建筑科学研究院与国家建筑工程质量监督检验中心,参与了国家奥林匹克公园、水立方、CCTV电视文化办公楼、文化部办公楼、地铁一、二、四、五、八、十以及十五号线等国家重特大工程的质量监督检测工作。

教授课程 Teaching programmes

设计编程思维 Programming thinking of design

(建筑)高等数学 Advanced mathematic

建筑初步 Elementary of architecture design

城市环境与城市生态学 Urban environment and ecology

景观生态学 Landscape ecology

科技论文写作 Research paper writing

职业发展与企业领导力 Career planning and enterpreneurship

专著论文 Publications

期刊文章 Journal paper:

1. Huang P* Chew Y. M. J Chang W.-S Ansell M. P Lawrence M Latif E Shea A Ormondroyd G Du H. Heat and moisture transfer behaviour in Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) based panels[J]Construction and Building Materials 2018166:35-49.  (SCI Ⅰ区)

2. Huang P* Latif E Chang W.-S Ansell M. P Lawrence M. Water vapour diffusion resistance factor of Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) [J]. Construction and Building Materials 2017 141(15):216-221.  (SCI Ⅰ区)

3. Huang P* Zeidler A Chang W.-S Ansell M Chew J Shea A. Specific heat capacity measurement of Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) by differential scanning calorimetry[J]. Construction and Building Materials 2016 125:821-831.  (SCI Ⅰ区)

4. Huang P* Chang W.-S Ansell M Chew J Shea A. Density distribution profile for internodes and nodes of Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) by computer tomography scanning[J]. Construction and Building Materials 2015 93:197-204. (SCI Ⅰ区)

5. Huang P* Pickering S G Chang W. S Ansell M. P Chew J Y Shea A Thermal diffusivity measurement of Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) by the flash method[J]. Holzforschung 2017 71(4):349354. (SCI Ⅰ区)

6. Huang P* Chang W.-S Ansell M. P Bowen C R Chew J. Y Adamaki V. Thermal and hygroscopic expansion characteristics of bamboo[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings 2017 171(6):463-471.  (SCI 2区)

7. Huang P* Chang W.-S Ansell M Chew J Shea A. Porosity estimation of Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) by computed tomography and back-scattered electron imaging[J]. Wood science and technology 2016 51(1):11-27.  (SCI Ⅰ区)

8. DU, H., HUANG, P. & JONES, P. 2019. Modular facade retrofit with renewable energy technologies: The definition and current status in Europe. (集成可持续能源的模块化建筑表皮的节能改造:定义与欧洲现状)[J],Energy and Buildings, 205, 109543. (SCI Ⅰ区)

图书章节 Book section:  

1. Huang P. Chang W.-S. Shea A. Ansell M. P. and Lawrence R. M. H. 2014. Non-homogeneous thermal properties of bamboo. In: Aicher S. Reinhardt H. W. and Garrecht H. eds. Materials and Joints in Timber Structures. Springer pp.657-664. (RILEM Book series 9)

会议文章 Conference paper:  

1. Huang P. Chang W.-S. Ansell M. Chew J. Shea A. Zeidler A. and Pickering S. 2014. Heat transfer simulation and experimental studies of bamboo in radial direction. In: World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE) and 2014 2014-08-10 - 2014-08-14 Quebec City.

科研项目 Research Projects

1.教育部社科基金项目:《基于机械臂增量编织技术的传统竹编工艺保护与发展研究》项目规模:80,000RMB 项目周期:2021年-2024年,在研,主持。

2.北京市教委基本科研项目: 《机械臂增量制造造型硬件与控制软件开发》 项目规模:50,000RMB 项目周期:2021年-2022年,在研,主持。

3.北方工业大学青年教师研究支持项目: 《开发基于机械臂的3D打印头研究》 项目规模:80,000RMB 项目周期:2020年-2022年,在研,主持。

4.Plug-n-play passive and active multi-modal energy Harvesting systems circular economy by design with high replicability for Selfsufficient Districts Near-Zero Buildings (Plug-n-Harvest) 项目编号: 768735 单位名称:Cardiff University

5.Welsh Government: Sêr Cymru Academic 项目编号: 无 单位名称:Cardiff University

6.China-UK Workshop on Renewable Energy Systems in Zero Carbon Villages 项目编号: NEWTON-TG_121851_01 单位名称:Cardiff University

学术任职 Academic Membership


The member of the 1st Committee of Intelligent Building and City, China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS).